Society was made initially for our convenience and safety. As humans we are not meant to stay alone,

we are meant to stay in a community for the benefit of the community, for a larger goal.

Over a period of time, the larger picture has taken a back seat and we have started focusing on which definitely is not letting us grow as humans, as a community, as a society.

I have heard people saying,

‘I feel suffocated because I am not able to do what I want to do’

‘ I am not doing because I don’t know how others will take it’

‘I can’t do this because conventionally it isn’t supposed to be done’

What is the point of living for such a society that tells you what you should and should not be doing, in turn making you unhappy?

What is the point of having such a community, society which doesn’t allow a soul to grow as an individual, in turn not growing itself?

Yes! We stay in a society, so we must stay civil, not barbarian.We must do what makes others happy, not sad. At the same time mustn’t we follow our heart and do things that will make us happy and peaceful?? For when we are happy within, then only we will be able to spread happiness outside. Happiness is not something that can be borrowed from outside.

 We have been conditioned in a way that we are so very interested in what is happening in others lives, and we have a say in every other person’s life, we have an opinion about their lives, their issues.We have started to believe that we know it better for the other person and ‘fix it’ for them.

We as a society have this ‘Fix it’ syndrome.

Only if we concentrated on ourselves and not others.Only if accepted and loved others exactly the way they are