Angels Up High – Part 3

Angels Up High – Part 3

Angels are always around us. And they never ever spontaneously connect with us or interfere in our lives unless we ask for their help. Our energetic structure and the energetic structure of Angels is totally different. Since they vibrate at a much higher frequency...
Angels Up High – Part 2

Angels Up High – Part 2

Let’s do this small experiment with ourselves. Just let us try to be aware of our feelings when we are around people whom we like and whom we are not so fond of. What happens inside you? What happens to your body language? Sometimes, you meet someone you don’t...
Angels Up High – Part 1

Angels Up High – Part 1

Angels. Who are they? Do they really exist? Can we see them or feel them? Can we talk to them or meet them? Everyone has these questions in their mind. But then we look back into our childhood, did we really need any assurance from anyone that Angels exist? We just...