I Have known Swati since 5 years now and trust me she has been my Anchor, who keeps me on track and grouded all the time. She is just not only a healer to me, she is more then that. she is my friend, my guiding factor and much more. She has help me gain the cofidence which i lost over the period of time and i am at a much better place in my life now.
Sometimes you don’t understand the problem you going through and then everything looks negative and bad, but when you have someone so empathetic, Humble and who has such positive energy then overcoming any problem doenst look any difficult.
I am one of that person who is really dificult to guide but kudos to Swati she managed to guide me to the right path and made me focus on the positives.
I am really really thanklful to you Swati and always will be and ya just giving you a heads up…. I am going to irritate you for a long time :).
Wish you all the Love and Health.. Cheers