by | Oct 21, 2024 | Energy Healing, Happiness, hug, Inner Child Healing, Inner Strength, Self love
“It’s not an easy journey to get to a place where you forgive people. But it is such a powerful place because it frees YOU.”TYLER PERRY Forgiveness is one of the most understated processes for bringing peace and love into one’s life.Many...
by | Aug 17, 2024 | Testimonials
My sessions with Swati have greatly helped me in terms of physical health as well as moving forward in my life. She is also extremely honest in her communication with us when we need more time for things to settle down before doing a journey. She also guides us when a...
by | Aug 16, 2024 | Testimonials
Swati helped me sail through one of my life’s most difficult and challenging times! I had quite a few sessions with her with Shamanic healing and with each session I felt uplifted. It’s not like a magic pill that you feel the difference...
by | Jul 23, 2016 | Energy Healing, Reiki
“Reiki is love, Love is wholeness, Wholeness is balance,Balance is well-being, Well-being is freedom from disease” Dr. Mikao Usui Reiki Founder [toc] Reiki Session – What it does I have heard people mentioning about their brief connect with Reiki. Either they...
by | Jun 22, 2016 | Energy Healing
Our energy structure is not only the physical body. Apart from our physical body, we have ethereal, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Our aura comprises of all the subtler bodies that are part of our being. They vibrate at different frequencies. These bodies...